CCAS 2024 Annual Meeting in Austin, TX

THEME: Navigating Uncertainty: Deans as Change Leaders

DRAFT AGENDA as of 5/30/2024 (Subject to Change; Concurrent Sessions Not Assigned)

Workshops and presentations may consider topics such as:

  • Academic Freedom
  • Advocating for the Arts & Sciences
  • Budget Reform
  • Career and Workforce Readiness
  • Change Management for Deans
  • Civic Engagement
  • Climate Change and Higher Education
  • Communicating Inclusion Efforts
  • Dean's Office Succession Planning
  • Demographics and the Enrollment Cliff
  • Development and Advancement Approaches that Work
  • Inclusive Admissions and Retention Practices for Students
  • Inclusive Hiring, Recruitment, and Retention Practices for Faculty
  • Interdisciplinary Partnerships between STEM and Humanities or Social Sciences
  • Internal and External Communications
  • Mental Health and Well-being (students, faculty, staff)
  • Navigating Turnover at the Top
  • Political Views Intersecting with Higher Education
  • Public Perceptions of Higher Education
  • Restructuring Colleges and Departments
  • Rethinking General Education in Liberal Arts
  • ROI on Liberal Arts Degrees
  • Scope and Limitations of AI
  • State Legislature Influence of Administration and Curriculum
  • Supporting Faculty and Students
  • Tenure Reform
  • Transformative Justice

Session Proposal Submission Form (Deadline March 27, 2024) * WHOVA login required- easy to create



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