21 At the 1983 Annual Meeting, the membership adopts a resolution expressing its deep gratitude to the members of the National Commission on Excellence in Education for its recent report, “A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform” 1983 The 1985 annual meeting includes a Breakfast for Women Deans 1985 Bill WILKINS OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY When I became dean of Oregon State University’s College of Liberal Arts in 1982, the College was emerging from many years as a service unit. Together, faculty colleagues and I pursued the goal of becoming a full partner in Oregon’s research univer- sity. Thus, when I went to my first CCAS meeting in Savannah, it was an eye-open- ing experience to attend a session on development. We moved aggressively into fundraising, friend-raising, and student recruiting efforts that were new to our college. It was also clear that the faculty and student liberal arts experience was not sufficiently diverse academically, peda- gogically, domestically or internationally. Mounting diversifying measures became themes of my deanship and of my service as a CCAS Board member and officer. 1992-1993