With money from additional tuition and government sources increasingly scarce, deans of Arts and Sciences must develop a robust development operation and build the supporting functions that make it successful. This chapter provides a basic introduction to fundraising and to the operations that support fundraising for an Arts and Sciences college. The primary focus will be on Arts and Sciences colleges that are within a larger University with multiple colleges or schools. Much of the material, however, also will be useful for an Arts and Sciences dean at a college without any professional schools, and where he or she is the only dean. The best place to begin is to understand fundraising at the conceptual level and then move through the practical steps of raising funds. The first rule of being a good fundraiser, however, is to make a gift yourself. While it does not need to be a large gift, it is important to always lead by example. By making a gift, your donors will intuitively understand you to be saying “I believe, I support, and I hope that you’ll join with me.” Understanding Development Why should anyone give a substantial sum of money to a College or University? People give for many reasons, but the most important reasons are because they care about an institution in whose mission they believe, they want to pay someone back for the opportunities they were given, they want to support an activity at the institution such as the arts or women’s issues that they are involved with in another part of their What is “Development” and What is the Role of the Arts and Sciences Dean? Carl J. Strikwerda 1