34 ORGANIZING ACADEMIC COLLEGES: A GUIDE FOR DEANS The six academic deans are appointed from the Evergreen faculty and serve as full-time administrators during their four-year renewable terms. Their roles are to: a) provide leadership in their designated “desk assignments” or functional areas, b) chair or serve on collegewide governance committees, c) represent the college administration in collective bargaining with the faculty union, and d) contribute to faculty development and evaluation. Although the faculty are not organized by traditional disciplines and the College has no departments, the faculty opt into what are called “planning units.” Plan- ning units have conveners whose function is neither formal (i.e., represented in the organizational chart), nor does the function carry administrative appointments or receive additional compensation/release time. “No one really organizes the faculty,” notes Andrew Reece, one of the academic deans. “As far as what faculty members teach, that is to some extent a negotiation between them and their colleagues and the curriculum deans.” FIGURE 2.8 Model Based Upon Mission & Values President Provost & Academic VP Professional & Support Staff Academic Dean for Curriculum Academic Dean for Evening & Weekend Studies Academic Dean for Faculty Hiring & Development Academic Dean for Instr. Support, Library, Media Services Academic Dean for Academic Budget & Space